Blue Sage Surprise

Blue Sage Studios: not a music venue.
One of our favorite weekend hobbies is to go wandering through the metro, checking in on projects and discovering new parts of town. Have you ever driven down Western as it heads over to the Wheeler District? On the way there you’ll find an interesting pocket of development.
One part of this enclave is Blue Sage Glass Blowing Studios. We’d seen the marquee many times and and had no idea that waiting inside was a charming, friendly glass blowing studio. Local artist, Patty Harper, was setting up to blow glass and invited us to watch (they have bleachers set up so this isn’t totally unheard of). She kindly walked us through the process as we drank our coffee and took photos. Blue Sage hosts classes that can be booked through the OKCMOA. You can also rent the space as you become more comfortable with the art of blowing glass or for parties.

Patty Harper blowing glass.

Color alchemy…

Frit, seen above in jars, laid out to add color to molten glass.

Adding color.